Super thought provoking article. Seems pretty disastrous the extent to which reusable bags are handed out for free as virtuous swag. Makes me wonder what a similar analysis would show for reusable water bottles vs plastic - I could see the case for greater average re-use of those vs bags, but perhaps a higher “equivalence threshold” between impacts of reusable vs single use bottles washes out any advantage

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Good question, I don’t know! Gotta think metal bottles have a high footprint.

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Hey Michael just making a note that there are some complaints about how this Danish study created/reported their models of cotton bag impact. For a summary see here from Leo Barasi: https://twitter.com/leobarasi/status/1569410910078357505 . The TLDR is that the impact of cotton used in the study relies on some arguable assumptions; with large sources of uncertainty. Modeling is hard! If we all paired our conclusions alongside metrics of our certainty in these conclusions, the world would perhaps be a different place.

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Hey Max - very interesting, thanks for sending this. It’s super hard to get any of this right, even within an order of magnitude!

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